Welcome to my blog! I'm so excited you guys have decided to join me on this crazy journey. I first want to start off saying that by me starting this in no way says, "I have this all together." I certainly do NOT and I'm learning everyday who I am in Christ. I'm also not a mental health professional, but I do have resources if you need them. Here you will learn about mental illness, the stigma that comes along with that mental illness, what it's like to follow God with mental illness and you will also learn about various resources that can help when it comes to mental illness. You will also hear some of my favorite scriptures, get an inside look on my personal life and you will probably hear about lots of adventures that my amazing boyfriend, Pat and I go on together. I'm excited to take you guys on this journey with me! I'm praying for each and every single one of you that reads this and I pray that this blog can be of some support to you. If you have any questions or any feedback for me, don't hesitate to reach out. You can either reach me on Social media, email or via text/call. I promise to try and answer each and every single one of you!
Welcome to Girl after God's own heart.
Updated: Jan 28, 2020